Medicare & Medicaid
Pulling together resources in one place

Medicare Eligibility
- Enroll in Medicare Part A (usually no premium cost)
and - Enroll in Medicare Part B (starts at $170.10/month)
- You are eligible to enroll in a Medicare plan 3 months before you turn 65, during your birth month, and 3 months after your birth month.
- Medicare and health options usually start on the first of the month. Apply as soon as you are eligible to ensure that you receive your ID card(s) by your effective date.
- Most business can be conducted online through the U.S. Social Security Administration’s online services.
Extra Help Program
- Medicare’s Extra Help program assists qualifying seniors with their prescription drug costs. Eligible seniors can apply for Extra Help to pay for their monthly premiums, deductibles, and copayments that relate to the Medicare prescription drug program.
- You must be enrolled in Medicare (Part A and/or B), reside within the 50 states, and meet the LIS requirements to be eligible for Extra Help.
- Medicare’s Low-Income Subsidy (LIS) limits determine the level of support you can receive. The 2022 resource limits are $8,400 for the full low-income subsidy ($12,600 if married) and $14,010 for the partial low-income subsidies ($27,950 if married). Applicants can add $1,500 for an individual or $3,000 for a couple for burial expenses.
- Whether you qualify for full or partial Extra Help depends on your eligibility.
- Full coverage = No premium, no deductible, and copays of no more than $3.95 for generic and $9.85 for brand name prescriptions
- Partial coverage = Reduced premium, low annual deductible, copays of no more than 15% of the cost of prescriptions on the plan’s formulary until the out-of-pocket limit is reached
- Contact the Social Security Administration at 1-800-772-1213, or visit their website here.